Buy Jack's Magic The Blue Stuff - 1 qt.

Jack's Magic The Blue Stuff - 1 qt.

The Blue Stuff - 32oz. is the mostrecommended start up product in the swimming pool industry for plaster pools. The Blue Stuff is very efficient at controlling plaster dust. The Blue Stuffs proprietary blend removes metals such as copper, iron, and manganese from the water. The Blue Stuff is specifically designed for pools that have a Heater or Heat Pump. This product works best in areas where copper and /or high sanitizerlevels are commonplace (Florida, Texas, and California). The Blue Stuff is verystable in high chlorine (even over 10 ppm) levels. The Blue Stuff prevents and removes stains and scale in plaster, vinyl, and fiberglass pools. If your waterhas a high level of copper in it, you need this product to eliminate staining and scaling. Initial Dosage: 1 quart per 10K of water. In problem areas, high Cu (copper), double the dosage. For weekly maintenance, add 6 ounces per 10K gallons. The best way to make sure you have enough of this product in the pool is to use a Jacks Magic Sequest Test Kit. Tid Bits: This product is a "sequestering agent". This means that small particulates of minerals are easilyclumped into a larger mass so the filter can eliminate them from the water. Never! Never! Use this product in pools that use Ionization, or mineral purification (copper, silver & zinc). Nature2, FROG, Pioneer 50 or other similar products. If you do, the minerals will be sequestered, and youll have to add a new cartridge or replacement. For pools using Ionization, Jacks has a unique product called "The Ionizer Stuff". We offer this product as well.